Entries by Elizabeth Leonard

Why Having a Routine Helps Students Thrive in Distance Learning

The benefits of having a daily routine are well-documented. Routines help people manage their stress, develop better sleeping and health habits, and budget their time better.  However, with the onslaught of societal changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, people everywhere are now dealing with “a sense of discombobulation” as their daily routines are interrupted. And […]

Practicing Time Management During Distance Learning

It’s safe to say that we’re in an unprecedented time for education. With the COVID-19 pandemic causing schools to switch to an online or hybrid format, students need to adapt in order to maintain their academic performance.  The key is time management. Time management promotes organization, focus, and a better balance between work and social […]

Physical Exercise During COVID-19: How Students Can Take Steps to Improve Their Mental Health

It seems like a no-brainer that COVID-19 would negatively impact people’s mental health.  After all, people are now worried about themselves and family members, and have to stay indoors and practice social distancing to mitigate transmission.  With all these factors at play, it makes perfect sense that people everywhere are experiencing lethargy, anxiety, depression, and […]

Why Learning Pods Are Good Options for Students with IEPs and 504 Plans

While the switch to online and hybrid-learning programs has been tough for students everywhere, it’s been especially hard on students with individualized education programs (IEPs) and 504 plans. Students with learning differences typically need more structure and supervision at school. However, in online and hybrid-learning formats, teachers can’t meet these needs for students. As a […]