Our expert educational consultants can help students ring their dream to life through the college matriculation process.
Convent Of The Sacred Heart is an all-girls boarding and day school that is mission-driven to foster independent women who know who they are and what they have a passion for. Through instilling critical thinking, creativity, leadership, and ethical judgment, students graduate with once-in-a-lifetime experiences to remember and use as lessons later in life. Our experienced consultants at Cardinal Education know that these students have much to offer college communities and know just how to help them do it. We offer services like interview preparation, advising for college lists, tutoring, and academic coaching to boost GPA and test scores, test prep to improve SAT scores and ACT scores through SAT practice tests and ACT practice tests, and editing services for documents like essays, recommendation letters, and personal statements to help aid in the college admissions process. Through personalized admissions strategies and techniques, we can help Convent Of The Sacred Heart students stand out amongst the crowds of college applications.