Cardinal Education’s experienced college admissions consultants can guide students to admissions success.

College admissions require strategic planning and skilled writing for content requirements. Many students and their families do not know the extent of work needed to complete their college admissions requirements and become overwhelmed when they find out. Cardinal Education is experienced in college admissions and has mastered the process. We help families through their admissions process and offer services like academic coaching and tutoring to boost GPA and test scores, interview preparation, SAT practice tests, ACT practice tests to improve final SAT scores and ACT scores, college advising for college lists, and editing services for personal statements, essays, and recommendation letters to help aid students through each step. Carrollton School students can rest easy knowing that they have a team of people ready to help them get the results they hope for.


    Want to meet your college admissions consultant? Call today!

    (888) 521-5243