Do donations matter?

We are a trusted and reputable source that strives to be ethical…

What does a college consulting service guarantee?

Regardless of their reputation, no college consulting company…

When should I sign up for college consulting?

The earlier you begin meeting with your consultant, the more…

How do I sign up for online tutoring?

Contact us today and learn about our online tutoring program.…

How do you match tutors with students?

We meticulously note details about your child. Aside from academic…

Is academic coaching the same as tutoring?

Tutoring is focused on the subject and building concrete skills…

Are these programs included in the consulting packages?

No. These are stand-alone programs that you may avail of or that…

What are the best ways to ace the SAT or ACT?

Time is critical when preparing for these tests and it is better…

When should my child start the college admissions process?

We recommend that your child start the college admissions process…

How do I prepare for an admissions interview?

The private school admissions interview gives admissions officers…

What is Proctored Writing Sample?

For the past year, some schools have replaced standardized tests…

Why should I hire an educational consultant?

Hiring an independent educational consultant as you go through…