How much time is needed to prepare for the SAT and ACT?

The duration of preparing for the ACT and SAT varies from 3 months…

Can I retake the tests if I am unsatisfied with the results?

Yes. However, we do not recommend our students take these tests…

How do colleges accept scores?

Different schools have different admissions policies and there…

Which test is preferred by prestigious colleges?

Both tests are equally accepted by colleges for admission and…

What is the best test for a student with a learning difference?

Both tests offer accommodations for students with learning differences…

What’s the most important element of college admissions?

Grades and test scores are the most important, qualifying elements…

Do your college counseling programs include work on college applications?

Yes, we offer many college counseling programs that include support…

What’s the difference between college counseling and college applications?

At Cardinal Education, “college counseling” refers to long-term,…

When should my child start planning for college?

As soon as possible! The transition to high school is often a…

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