Students and families that partner with Cardinal Education receive access to strategic college admissions coaching and guidance designed for them.

Ransom Everglades School is a prestigious and well-known private school that produces talented students who are ready for their journey through college. The competition in college admissions increases every year with the evolving STEM and STEAM academic curricula. Cardinal Education can even the odds in the college admission process by providing services that will aid families through the college admissions process. Some of the services we offer include coaching and tutoring to boost GPA and test scores, interview preparation, SAT practice tests, ACT practice tests to improve final SAT scores and ACT scores, college advising for college lists, and editing services for personal statements, essays, and recommendation letters. We ensure that students and their families know they will have the best help they can receive in their college admissions process.


    Call today and get a head start on your college admissions journey!

    (888) 521-5243