Cardinal Education’s educational consultants make the college admissions process less stressful.

Students graduating from Friends Seminary are well-equipped for the world beyond high school and know what they want from their college careers. What we have come to find, however, is that many students are not prepared for the college admissions process and do not know what they will need to make the best impression on admissions counselors. Our expert admissions consultants here at Cardinal Education know how to help. We can walk students through each step of the process through services that are designed to make the application requirements easier. Our services include interview preparation, academic advisors for college lists, tutoring, and academic coaching to boost GPA and test scores, test prep to improve SAT scores and ACT scores through SAT practice tests and ACT practice tests, and editing services for documents like essays, recommendation letters, and personal statements. With our help, students do not need to worry about the next steps in the admissions process because they will have our support from beginning to end.


    Get the results you are hoping for and call us today!

    (888) 521-5243