Cardinal Education is an independent educational consulting company.

We Can Help You Get Into Episcopal Day School of St. Matthew.

Located in downtown San Mateo, the Episcopal Day School of St. Matthew is a private school that offers top-tier education for PK-8 students. The school’s curriculum places a strong emphasis on helping children build a spiritual foundation through interactive classroom instruction. Outreach initiatives let students interact with communities to hone their social, emotional, and leadership abilities.

If you are looking for a highly rated private middle school in California, Episcopal Day Middle School may be a suitable option for you. Our educational consultants will ensure that you meet the following admissions requirements with distinction:

1. Parent Statement
2. Student Statement
3. Proctored Writing Sample
4. Teacher Recommendation
5. Transcript
6. Standardized Test
7. Admissions Interview

Let our experts guide you in navigating the Episcopal Day School of St. Matthew admissions process.


    Call us now to learn more about Episcopal Day admissions.

    (888) 521-5243